
Dog Digs But Only At Night

Hi Adam,

I've been using your techniques for six months now and Zac, my Labrador/Heeler cross (two years old) is just about an angel now.

[To read about the dog training resources he's referring to, please take a look at: http://www.dogproblems.com/newvideos.htm]

The only problem I have is that he digs up the lawn approximately once every two months. I have him on a running lead when I'm not home and this prevents him from digging. However, he is off the lead over night. Most of the time he's good, but now and again he digs a hole (at night).

I'm reluctant to put him on the lead at night because this is when he goes to the toilet (he can't go during the day). Can you please provide me with some advice so that I can stop this problem?



Thank you for your comments about my products. To read about the dog training resources he's referring to, please take a look at: http://www.dogproblems.com/newvideos.htm

A good solution to your problem would be to confine the dog at night. This can be done either by putting him in a crate, or if you want him outside, build him a kennel run with concrete flooring so he can't dig. Because you can't catch him in the act of digging, the way to work with this behavior (especially if it's only at night) is to prevent it from happening.

From your email, I understand that your dog is tied on the running lead all day without access to the yard to do his business. If you can't be home to let him out during the afternoon or evening hours, perhaps a responsible neighbor or even a professional pet-sitting service would be willing to do this for you. He should also be having plenty of exercise, both mental and physical to tire him out, and again this is where the neighbor or pet-sitter can come in handy, as well as yourself when you come home. Tiring him out will assure you that he stays out of trouble, all the more so if he's confined properly.


Does My Pit Bull Look Fat To You?: Dog Health Information

Let’s face it, we love our pets. Sometimes that love can lead pet owners to pamper their pets just a little too much when it comes to food and treats. This over indulgence has the same effects on our pets as it does on us when we over eat or snack a little too often, we get fat. If you add in not getting enough exercise, then it is a problem compounded.

Yes, pets too can suffer from being obese. Statistics show that one in four pets weigh in the overweight or obese category. It is a problem which carries a lot of health risks to our four legged loved ones, and it is a problem that we as owners must handle.

As a Pit Bull owner, I know first hand how good it makes your pet feel to get those special treats, and how hard it is to not give them when it results in getting the loving look that only your Pit Bull can give. I also know as a Pit Bull owner that this particular breed needs a lot of regular exercise. Pit Bulls are very athletic and energetic by their very nature, and if they do not get enough exercise they are not happy. The dog also runs the risk of being overweight, which puts him at risk.

I realize that some Pit Bull owners would ask, “What’s the worst that a little weight could do?” Well the answer is that a little weight would do no harm, but if left unchecked the weight gain could quickly put your Pit Bull into the obese category. Some of the common ailments brought on by canine obesity are heart problems, arthritis and even diabetes. An overweight pet is also more susceptible to a hip condition known as dysplasia, as well as problems with the back and joints.

By now you’re probably glancing over to your Pit Bull trying to quickly gauge if your pet is within acceptable weight limits. Glancing isn’t going to give you an accurate answer, but if you’d like to do a quick home pet obesity test, then here’s how to do it.

First, get your Pit Bull to stand in front of you, and look at him from above. Your Pit Bull should have the shape more of an hour glass than say, an ocean liner. A dog with rounded out sides is certainly getting into the obese range. You should also be able to feel your dog’s ribs easily. Don’t press hard on your beloved pet; we don’t want to hurt him.

Keep regular vet appointments for your Pit Bull, as your veterinarian will also be checking your pet’s weight. Your veterinarian can also advise you on how you can get your pet back into optimum shape should he weigh in a bit too much.


Types of Funny Pet Videos

If you are trying to make a funny pet video there are many things that you will need to consider. Among the most important is what type of funny pet video you are going for. Many people think that it is easy to make a funny pet video, and this may very well be true for you. But remember one thing, funny pet videos are supposed to be funny! If they are not they will not get viewed by many people, and will receive bad ratings. Of course it does not matter if your video does not rate high, but it is always more fun if other people like your pet as much as you.

There are many different types of funny pet videos that you can consider filming. First off, your dog may do something funny on command. If this is the case you will have a much easier time because you will not have to wait in the wings to try and catch your pet in action.

But along with the type of funny pet videos that you can film on command, there is also another type. These are the ones that you can take when your pet does not know that you are watching. In many cases these are the funniest videos because they seem the most natural. Since your pet does not know that you are around you can catch them doing things that may be funnier than you ever expected.

And of course, you should feel free to star along with your pet in any video. In some cases videos are much funnier if you are actually involved in them with your pet.

If you do not know what type of funny pet videos to create, just start at the beginning and see what works out best for you. You may find out that your pet is funny on its own, or maybe you need to coax it a bit.

Just remember, most pets are funny. If you put in enough time you will be able to have plenty of funny pet videos to submit to online sites.