
Dog Digs But Only At Night

Hi Adam,

I've been using your techniques for six months now and Zac, my Labrador/Heeler cross (two years old) is just about an angel now.

[To read about the dog training resources he's referring to, please take a look at: http://www.dogproblems.com/newvideos.htm]

The only problem I have is that he digs up the lawn approximately once every two months. I have him on a running lead when I'm not home and this prevents him from digging. However, he is off the lead over night. Most of the time he's good, but now and again he digs a hole (at night).

I'm reluctant to put him on the lead at night because this is when he goes to the toilet (he can't go during the day). Can you please provide me with some advice so that I can stop this problem?



Thank you for your comments about my products. To read about the dog training resources he's referring to, please take a look at: http://www.dogproblems.com/newvideos.htm

A good solution to your problem would be to confine the dog at night. This can be done either by putting him in a crate, or if you want him outside, build him a kennel run with concrete flooring so he can't dig. Because you can't catch him in the act of digging, the way to work with this behavior (especially if it's only at night) is to prevent it from happening.

From your email, I understand that your dog is tied on the running lead all day without access to the yard to do his business. If you can't be home to let him out during the afternoon or evening hours, perhaps a responsible neighbor or even a professional pet-sitting service would be willing to do this for you. He should also be having plenty of exercise, both mental and physical to tire him out, and again this is where the neighbor or pet-sitter can come in handy, as well as yourself when you come home. Tiring him out will assure you that he stays out of trouble, all the more so if he's confined properly.


Does My Pit Bull Look Fat To You?: Dog Health Information

Let’s face it, we love our pets. Sometimes that love can lead pet owners to pamper their pets just a little too much when it comes to food and treats. This over indulgence has the same effects on our pets as it does on us when we over eat or snack a little too often, we get fat. If you add in not getting enough exercise, then it is a problem compounded.

Yes, pets too can suffer from being obese. Statistics show that one in four pets weigh in the overweight or obese category. It is a problem which carries a lot of health risks to our four legged loved ones, and it is a problem that we as owners must handle.

As a Pit Bull owner, I know first hand how good it makes your pet feel to get those special treats, and how hard it is to not give them when it results in getting the loving look that only your Pit Bull can give. I also know as a Pit Bull owner that this particular breed needs a lot of regular exercise. Pit Bulls are very athletic and energetic by their very nature, and if they do not get enough exercise they are not happy. The dog also runs the risk of being overweight, which puts him at risk.

I realize that some Pit Bull owners would ask, “What’s the worst that a little weight could do?” Well the answer is that a little weight would do no harm, but if left unchecked the weight gain could quickly put your Pit Bull into the obese category. Some of the common ailments brought on by canine obesity are heart problems, arthritis and even diabetes. An overweight pet is also more susceptible to a hip condition known as dysplasia, as well as problems with the back and joints.

By now you’re probably glancing over to your Pit Bull trying to quickly gauge if your pet is within acceptable weight limits. Glancing isn’t going to give you an accurate answer, but if you’d like to do a quick home pet obesity test, then here’s how to do it.

First, get your Pit Bull to stand in front of you, and look at him from above. Your Pit Bull should have the shape more of an hour glass than say, an ocean liner. A dog with rounded out sides is certainly getting into the obese range. You should also be able to feel your dog’s ribs easily. Don’t press hard on your beloved pet; we don’t want to hurt him.

Keep regular vet appointments for your Pit Bull, as your veterinarian will also be checking your pet’s weight. Your veterinarian can also advise you on how you can get your pet back into optimum shape should he weigh in a bit too much.


Types of Funny Pet Videos

If you are trying to make a funny pet video there are many things that you will need to consider. Among the most important is what type of funny pet video you are going for. Many people think that it is easy to make a funny pet video, and this may very well be true for you. But remember one thing, funny pet videos are supposed to be funny! If they are not they will not get viewed by many people, and will receive bad ratings. Of course it does not matter if your video does not rate high, but it is always more fun if other people like your pet as much as you.

There are many different types of funny pet videos that you can consider filming. First off, your dog may do something funny on command. If this is the case you will have a much easier time because you will not have to wait in the wings to try and catch your pet in action.

But along with the type of funny pet videos that you can film on command, there is also another type. These are the ones that you can take when your pet does not know that you are watching. In many cases these are the funniest videos because they seem the most natural. Since your pet does not know that you are around you can catch them doing things that may be funnier than you ever expected.

And of course, you should feel free to star along with your pet in any video. In some cases videos are much funnier if you are actually involved in them with your pet.

If you do not know what type of funny pet videos to create, just start at the beginning and see what works out best for you. You may find out that your pet is funny on its own, or maybe you need to coax it a bit.

Just remember, most pets are funny. If you put in enough time you will be able to have plenty of funny pet videos to submit to online sites.


A Guide To Free Mastiff Training Tips

Training a dog is not easy, but a trained dog is a great companion. There are some great places to train a dog, but some of these institutions can be very expensive and the results are not often worth the added expense. Any owner can train their dog if they get the proper advice, and there are free mastiff training tips available from a variety of sources. A great place to find free mastiff training tips is the veterinarian who provides the basic medical care for pets. These professionals are experts on the animals that they care for, and they often provide free %LINK1% tips in brochures available at their offices. Owners should check out these free mastiff training tips when they visit these offices.

The public library is a great source of free %LINK1% tips. The card catalog at the public library will list the titles of the books they have on the subject of dog training. You will find that the subject of free mastiff training tips can be found in a number of books at the library. Once you get a free library card then you will be able to take these books home with you. The books you find at the library will be written by dog training experts who have had a wide varied experience in training all manner of dog breeds. Of course these books will provide basic, intermediate and advanced training techniques.

Experts ProvideFree Mastiff Training Tips

There are many shops now that provide all of the supplies needed to care for many different pets. These shops employ many experts who have great knowledge about caring for and training pets. The shops often have veterinarians who actually have offices set up on their premises. These experts provide information on ridding your dog of fleas, the proper shots and free %LINK2% training tips.


The pet stores have literature that provides information on training pets, but many of these shops also have clinics that help people train and care for their pets. These clinics are run by experts, and they provide classes on basic training but they also provide for more advanced training at some locations. The pet stores often have websites on the Internet where people can go for information on training their pets. These websites have the answers to questions and some of them have training videos available to their customers. Some of these stores provide this information for free to their customers.


Pet Care And Health Advice For Your Beloved Animals

The quality of pet health insurance has improved dramatically over the years since it was first offered in the 80’s.
If you don't have a pet yet, consider making one part of your family, but make sure you have the time and resources necessary to provide a stable loving home for your new friend.
All in all, it depends on you, and your pet(s), whether or not pet health insurance is the right choice.
Almost all pet care insurance provides health cover that includes cuts, illnesses, accidents, abrasions and also dental expenses.
There are many companies that offer pet health insurance, and you should ask your Veterinarian what companies he or she recommends.
We may not be aware of many other pet health decease like Spring Allergies, Intestinal Parasites, Ear infections, Skin Problems in Pet, Dry Skin, Fleas, Allergies, Bloat, External and Internal Parasites, Arthritis, Cataracts, Fat Cats and fat Pooches and many more.
The pet meds play cardinal role in pet grooming and keeping good pet health.
Most pet insurance policies carry an excess which means that you have to pay a small amount towards the cost of any treatment claimed for under the policy.
One of the most distressing situations to arise is when a pet's problem is curable but the cost is too high for the owner to be able to afford, and consequently the animal has to be put to sleep.
Following are some of the common question with suitable answers regarding pet life insurance.
Once you have considered these questions it will help you decide if you are going to purchase pet insurance.
If your dog has vomiting and diarrhoea along with lethargy and muscle tremors you should want to take him to the vet quickly.
Pet Health insurance can take away the financial worries when a pet is seriously ill
Among the different pieces of information that are widely available on the Internet, some of the most common health issues that are discussed involve dogs.
Given that pet owners need to ensure that their pets remain healthy, pet owners need to arm themselves with the right information that can help them properly take care of their dog's health.


Naming Your Pedigreed Dog

Unlike some aspects of dog ownership, naming your dog is just plain fun! The pets themselves don't require much; they just need a pleasing dog name they can identify with when you give them commands. But if you plan to show a purebred dog in competitions, there’s a lot to consider when it's time to choose a dog name for your dog's American Kennel Club certificate. Let's start at the beginning.

The name of the kennel your dog came from is part of his show name. Usually, it's the first part of his name as it appears on the certificate. If you purchased your dog from a show kennel, then the kennel's name should be first, such as: Dexy's Fido. If you bred the dog yourself, then use your own original kennel name. You can also use a combination such as 'Dexy's Fido of (your kennel name here)' so that your dog's name reflects both where he comes from and where he now resides.

Originality is important when choosing a show dog name. The American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn't allow duplicate dog names, and will ask you to choose another name if your pick is already taken.

Unusual dog names with creative spelling attract attention to your dog in a show catalog, while reducing the chance that you've nearly duplicated another dog's name. For example, 'Dexy's Hi-Jac' is a cute play on the word hijack. It's catchy yet original, and offers a great built-in theme for the future if you advertise your dog in breed and show magazines. You could use "He'll hijack your heart" for your ads. Cute, right?

Once you've selected your dog's 'paper name', the work isn’t over. You'll still need to settle on a shorter dog 'call name' for everyday reference. Using our example of Dexy's Hi-Jac, the name Jack immediately suggests itself for the dog's call name, while directly referring us back to his official dog name on the AKC papers.

So, now that you know the basics of dog naming, you're ready to choose a dog name that will serve you well both at home and in the show ring.


How To Cure Your Dog's Separation Anxiety in One Weekend

Before leaving your dogs alone, try extending the exercise periods for your dogs. The point is to tire him out. Play fetch, run around, or let him play with other friendly dogs. Do not just go for a short walk. After the exercise, when you are home, leave your dog on his own for a while. If he is tired, he will be calmer and go to sleep. Then, balance the amount of exercise with the time you leave him alone. I use a very simple formula: 15 minutes every 2 hours alone. But remember, you have to make him run good and hard. Or at least, tire your dog out.

During a short walks or extended exercise period, you can pet, touch, and praise your dog as much as you like. Especially when you are obedience training your dog. This exercise, if done routinely, not only will your dogs be calmer while being left alone, it will also make your dog become more obedient in the house or park.

Important dog training tips

Be the pack leader

Show your dog consistently that you are the pack leader. Not him. You must be the one that decide when attention is coming up. You decide when enough is enough. Do this daily. Ignore your dog when he requests your attention. No eye contact, arms folded, no touches or strokes. As soon as you want to give him attention, pet him and play with him. Doing this, your dog will see you as a leader and he will be much more obedient.

Cure your dogs' separation anxiety in one weekend

In almost all cases, your dogs' separation anxiety is caused by you leaving the house. Act as if you were leaving the house. Do this several times a day. Go through all the same routine before you go. Grab your car keys, jacket and close the door. Wait until your dog is crying or barking, then come in. With so many false start you dog will not able to recognize when you are really leaving. And whenever you return home do not over-greet him. He will be too exited. If you have big dogs sometimes it can cause a problem. In fact, try not to pet or greet your dog for the first 3-5 minutes. He will see your leaving and arrival are not a big deal. If your dog jumps on you, ignore him. Pause with your arms folded or on the side and do not make any eye contact. He will be calm then you can praise him as much as you want.

Most dogs respond well to above methods. Eventually, you can adjust the amount of attention you give. Find the perfect balance between leaving him alone and playing with him. You will have a relationship that you and your dog enjoy.


Why It Is Wise To Consider Pet Insurance

No one has to tell you how important it is to have health insurance for you and your family. It is said that many families are one serious medical issue away from financial disaster. With the costs of doctors, hospitals, lab tests and medications, the fees can easily bankrupt a family.

The same principle applies to your pet. When you have a pet it becomes a full fledged member of the family. Your pet is with you during good times and bad times, often knowing instinctively when you are upset and trying in its own way to comfort you. They offer us protection from harm and listen to us with understanding compassion in their eyes. When the rest of the world seems to let you down, your pet is always there and it doesn't care if you don't look your best or are having a bad hair day. It accepts you with unconditional love and can make your troubles seem not as bad as they would were your pet not around to comfort you.

For this reason, many people wisely buy health insurance for their pet. They do this because medical care for animals can be just as expensive for pets and sometimes even more so. Yearly vaccinations and physicals can cost hundreds of dollars and if your pet becomes ill and needs to be hospitalized the fees can skyrocket into the thousands. This may seem like a small price to pay to keep your pet alive and healthy but if those funds are not available it can be heartbreaking to consider the alternatives.

What's important to remember is that when you obtain healthcare for your pets, you have to read over the policy as carefully as when you read over your own. You may be required to pay the doctor upfront for the care and then get reimbursed by the insurance company. There may be deductibles to pay and some things may not be covered such as lab tests or may require additional documentation in order to be reimbursed.

Medications may or may not be covered and certain procedures may have different coverage allowances. There may also be age factors involved. Some insurance carriers will only extend coverage to animals of a certain age, making the older ones ineligible so it's important to get the coverage when your pet is young.

Pay attention to the different plans that insurance company is offering. Initially it may seem like the cheapest plan may be the most cost effective but if your pet becomes seriously ill it could end up costing you more in medical fees than the premiums for the more costly plans would. Your pet is probably the best friend you will ever have, so make sure that its medical insurance is the best that you can provide for it.